How to suspend a subscription for X weeks?
I see another discussion here:
But it seems that Extending their next bill date would just give them some free service.
If I demote them to a FREE Plan, would they need to enter their billing info again?
And if they have, say 3 weeks left on their current month, and I demote them to FREE, and change back to "
paid" plan in, say 2 months, do they then have 3 weeks left on their current plan and then get billed in the 3 weeks (aver being put back on "paid"?
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1 Posted by Drew Songer on 12 Feb, 2016 03:02 PM
Hi Clay,
You customers should not have to reenter payment information when they change a plan. Now, whether or not your customer will be billed a prorated amount depend on you plan config. Typically, plan changes from free plans to paid plans are treated as new sign ups regarding their initial bill. Therefore, they will be billed in the same way, your new customers are billed.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Drew Songer closed this discussion on 22 Feb, 2016 03:10 PM.