Additional information in plans

Simon GUEROUT's Avatar


Sep 13, 2016 @ 09:55 PM

Hi guys,

We are working on finalizing our CheddarGetter integration, and we currently face one issue :
* There is no way to add additional information to the plans. * There is no way to "group" or "order" plans

Let me explain the use case :
Our main website loads the list of plans in order to display an always up to date information, but only displays a hand-picked list of plans.
Our application website loads the list of plans, displays the hand-picked list & shows a link between monthly and annually plans.
As we do not have time to make a nice admin interface for our marketing/sales team to handle which plan is displayed where, we have given them the possibility to publish a JSON file containing additional information about the plans, which our front-end loads before sending requests to CG.

Is there any tool which could help or any plan to support this kind of configuration ?

Thanks !

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Meghan Turner on Sep 14, 2016 @ 06:48 PM

    Meghan Turner's Avatar

    Hi Simon,

    Two follow up questions for you.

    • What information specifically would you like to add to the plans?
    • How would you like to group your plans? What are the categories you'd like to use?

    I'm getting a general sense of what you'd like to do based on the use case you provided, but specific information and examples based on your product would help me better understand what you'd like to accomplish. Thanks!

    To provide one suggestion about grouping pricing plans, you do have the option to group plans by active or inactive status. They are labeled 'Active' and 'Inactive' but you can think of them as anything. You could consider the two statuses to mean 'Public' and 'Private' . For example, active plans can be plans that customers can sign-up for directly via your website, while inactive plans can be "secret plans" that aren't publicly advertised to customers. Your sales team could use inactive plans to offer special pricing plans to certain customers. You can classify a pricing plans as active or inactive in the pricing plan configuration. When you set-up or edit a pricing plan, there's a check box at the top of the page you can click to indicate if a plan is active or inactive. If you're using hosted payment pages, it's important to note that only active plans will be shown to customers on your hosted page.


  2. 2 Posted by Simon GUEROUT on Sep 15, 2016 @ 02:22 PM

    Simon GUEROUT's Avatar

    Hi Meghan, and thanks for replying.

    We have perfectly understood how to use the active / inactive state.
    As we are advertising the plans on our website, and not the hosted pages, we are currently looking into a solution to add an overlay of information to our pricing plans, which would help a non-technical team organizing the information.
    (In the end, we'd have a Wordpress plugin making sure the plans are rendered correctly on our marketing site)

    An example about grouping : let's say we have a "Starter" plan, which is available monthly or annually, it would be nice to group the two plans.
    This is a simple example, we could use the plan code to do this, though this code is a technical information, and we'd like to avoid using for another purpose.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Meghan Turner on Sep 15, 2016 @ 04:20 PM

    Meghan Turner's Avatar

    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for the additional information. I see what you're suggesting and it's a good idea. It's actually a feature we've discussed creating, but it's not one that we can prioritize in our development schedule at this time. If you feel it's a feature that's essential to your business, I could get you a quote on how much it would cost to do a custom feature development project.

    For the time being, you could also consider using the pricing plan description field. Although it's not specifically for this purpose, you could put JSON data with additional information about the plans into the pricing plan description field then configure your application to render the JSON in the description field as needed with your wordpress plugin.


  4. Meghan Turner closed this discussion on Nov 15, 2016 @ 06:36 PM.

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