New customer sign up - No record of transaction
I had a customer recently sign up for a subscription. The transaction was declined, but the transaction is pending with his bank account. CheddarGetter does not have a record of the declined transaction. However, the customer received an automated email for cheddargetter saying the credit card was declined.
Any thoughts?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Meghan Turner on 03 Mar, 2017 06:46 PM
Hi Giovanni,
This is expected behavior from CG in this scenario. When a customer's payment method is declined on sign-up, a customer record isn't created for them in CG which is why there's no record of the transaction. When a sign-up is unsuccessful due to a card decline, CG will return an error message that you can use to prompt the customer to sign-up with a different payment method. CG will send the customer an email to let the customer know about the decline in this situation.
Hope this helps, but let me know if you have any other questions!
2 Posted by Giovanni Lozano on 03 Mar, 2017 08:44 PM
Hi Meghan,
Thank you for your response! Quick question, the transaction shows up as "Pending" on that person's bank account. Will that transaction eventually disappear and the funds be released back to him? If so, what is the usual time frame for that to happen?
Support Staff 3 Posted by Meghan Turner on 06 Mar, 2017 06:34 PM
Hi Giovanni,
In this case, the decline was likely due to an AVS (address verification) failure meaning that the address the customer provided does not match billing address of cardholder. This type of failure takes place during the authorization of the credit card and when the authorization fails the pending charge can remain on the customer's bank account statement. The length of time the pending authorization stays on the account depends on the customer's bank, but typically it drops off the account in a few days.
Meghan Turner closed this discussion on 17 Mar, 2017 06:59 PM.