Set Up Fee Discounts or Refunds
Can I set up some type of promo code or is there a method of being able to discount or refund set fees associated with a plan?
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1 Posted by Drew Songer on 11 Apr, 2016 01:33 PM
Hi David,
Our promotions system allows you to create coupon codes for which customers can redeem percentage discounts their overall bill. Currently, this feature requires that the promotion duration expires to remove the discount.
It seems to me that you may plan to add and remove discounts a bit more frequently. If that is the case, I suggest that you just use a tracked item to create a recurring discount. This will allow you to toggle the discount based on the item quantity.
Another method you could use to offer a discount is to issue a custom credit on the pending invoice. The option for this non-recurring item can be issued by clicking the green "Add Custom Charge or Credit" button below the open invoice.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Drew Songer closed this discussion on 22 Apr, 2016 02:16 PM.