End of Month Recurring Invoicing

Lindsey Long's Avatar

Lindsey Long

01 Apr, 2016 04:54 PM

I've noticed the invoicing changes to the 1st of the month if the original start date is the 31st. I've also noticed that in February, if an invoicing day was on the 30th (and I'm assuming any other year the 29th), these also got moved to the 1st. If a company is using a cash based accounting method this is leaving horrible revenue days at the end of the month now or for February, a bad revenue month. Is there a reason that the invoicing is pushed forward instead of back a day or if it is pushed forward can it just go back to the original invoice date?

  1. 1 Posted by Drew Songer on 01 Apr, 2016 06:55 PM

    Drew Songer's Avatar

    Hi Lindsey,

    The system is designed to bill on the same day every month. If that day does not appear in a given month, then the bill has to appear on a different day. Our system just pushes the bill date to the 1st of the next month. If you would like to return the date to another date after the switch is made you can always change the bill date in the Admin interface.


  2. 2 Posted by Lindsey Long on 01 Apr, 2016 07:12 PM

    Lindsey Long's Avatar

    But is there a reason that it's set up like this? I can't see that manually going in to every customer that moves forward every other month is a solution for this. Most recurring transactions I deal with are done on the 30th if there isn't a 31st, then rolls back to the 31st the next month. Is this a setting that can be chosen?

  3. 3 Posted by Drew Songer on 01 Apr, 2016 07:38 PM

    Drew Songer's Avatar

    Yes. By rolling forward to the 1st, this problem is eliminated for all future transactions. If you still like to move the bill date, I would suggest moving it to the 30th rather than the 31st so that this issue is avoided.

  4. 4 Posted by Lindsey Long on 01 Apr, 2016 08:32 PM

    Lindsey Long's Avatar

    I don't think you are understanding the accounting side of why I'm asking. Nevermind.

  5. Drew Songer closed this discussion on 04 Apr, 2016 01:48 PM.

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