Promotion Code
Is it possible to create a promotion code that
A. For new members, would grant them a one month subscription to
our highest class
B. For existing subscribers, grant them a one month extension to
their existing subscription
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1 Posted by Drew Songer on 04 Dec, 2015 03:00 PM
Hi Shawn,
Our promotions feature is based on a percentage discount. So you could create a 1 month free promotion. Just give a 100% discount with a 1 month duration. Our system doesn't understand the idea of a subscription termination date because subscription typically bill in perpetuity until they are canceled. However, you could extend their billing date by one month, but that wouldn't be a promotion that could be redeemed by our native system.
Drew Songer closed this discussion on 21 Jan, 2016 06:33 PM.