Any plans on changing your pricing model?
Hey guys,
There was a big fuss over at recurly about their recent change in pricing model and how it effectively shuts out boot-strapped startups. Since I'll now be spending the next few days gutting a codebase to replace the subscription code, I thought I'd check to make sure you guys weren't planning anything similar.
In short, please don't change anything. :-P
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on Mar 25, 2010 @ 09:35 PM
Joel -- Since you're already a customer you don't have much to worry about. The worst we would do is raise prices on a plan that you could potentially upgrade to. If that's the case, we'd give you ample notice to lock in the current pricing on that plan. We've thrown some ideas around about changing the model but it would only be to make it more attractive to startups. CheddarGetter allows for multiple models to coexist and to grandfather existing customers on old plans or allow existing customers to upgrade to plans that are not available to new customers. That functionality is available to you as well. I hope that puts any fears you might have to rest.
Dean closed this discussion on Jan 16, 2013 @ 02:55 PM.