PayPal New Customer - Redirect URL missing in response

kenrick's Avatar


Nov 29, 2012 @ 02:02 PM


While creating a new subscription, there are some instances where the redirect url is not being returned in the response. Pasting below the response from one of the failed requests.

{"id":"91f6d2b4-3a2c-11e2-9d18-40403c39f8d9","plans":{"SBMONTHLY":{"id":"853f8d38-82d3-11e1-8c1f-40403c39f8d9","code":"SBMONTHLY","name":"StrikeBase","displayName":"StrikeBase • 19.90 \/ Month","description":"","isActive":"1","isFree":"0","paymentMethodIsRequired":"1","trialDays":"0","initialBillCount":"14","initialBillCountUnit":"days","initialInvoiceBillingDatetime":"2012-12-13T13:56:27+00:00","billingFrequency":"monthly","billingFrequencyPer":"month","billingFrequencyUnit":"months","billingFrequencyQuantity":"1","nextInvoiceBillingDatetime":"2013-01-13T13:56:27+00:00","setupChargeCode":"","setupChargeAmount":"0.00","recurringChargeCode":"SBMONTHLY_RECURRING","recurringChargeAmount":"19.90","onChangeInitialBillHandler":"next","setupChargeBillHandler":"now","onChangeSetupChargeBillHandler":"no","createdDatetime":"2012-04-10T06:07:58+00:00","items":{"basic":{"id":"c5828cb6-82d7-11e1-8c1f-40403c39f8d9","code":"basic","name":"Additional Pro User","quantityIncluded":"2","isPeriodic":"0","overageAmount":"9.95","createdDatetime":"2012-04-10T06:38:24+00:00"},"lite":{"id":"c58d60f0-82d7-11e1-8c1f-40403c39f8d9","code":"lite","name":"Additional Lite User","quantityIncluded":"2","isPeriodic":"0","overageAmount":"4.95","createdDatetime":"2012-04-10T06:38:24+00:00"}}}},"gatewayToken":"PA-8DK89674LK9958620","gatewayAccount":{"id":"a087a890-d89c-11e1-987c-40403c39f8d9","gateway":"PayPal","type":"paypal"},"ccFirstName":"","ccLastName":"","ccCompany":"","ccCountry":"","ccAddress":"","ccCity":"","ccState":"","ccZip":"","ccType":"","ccLastFour":"","ccExpirationDate":"2013-11-28T00:00:00+00:00","ccEmail":"","cancelType":"paypal-wait","cancelReason":"PayPal preapproval is pending","canceledDatetime":"2012-11-29T13:56:28+00:00","createdDatetime":"2012-11-29T13:56:27+00:00","items":{"basic":{"id":"c5828cb6-82d7-11e1-8c1f-40403c39f8d9","code":"basic","name":"Additional Pro User","quantity":"0"},"lite":{"id":"c58d60f0-82d7-11e1-8c1f-40403c39f8d9","code":"lite","name":"Additional Lite User","quantity":"0"}},"invoices":{"91fd14ee-3a2c-11e2-9d18-40403c39f8d9":{"id":"91fd14ee-3a2c-11e2-9d18-40403c39f8d9","number":"187","type":"subscription","vatRate":"","billingDatetime":"2012-12-13T13:56:27+00:00","paidTransactionId":"","createdDatetime":"2012-11-29T13:56:27+00:00","charges":{"SBMONTHLY_RECURRING":{"0":{"id":"","code":"SBMONTHLY_RECURRING"},"type":"recurring","quantity":"1","eachAmount":"19.90","description":"","createdDatetime":"2012-12-13T13:56:27+00:00"},"basic":{"0":{"id":"","code":"basic"},"type":"item","quantity":"0","eachAmount":"9.95","description":"","createdDatetime":""},"lite":{"0":{"id":"","code":"lite"},"type":"item","quantity":"0","eachAmount":"4.95","description":"","createdDatetime":""}}}}}

Please advise urgently!



  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on Nov 29, 2012 @ 02:12 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    Hi Kenrick -- Do you have the request data as well?

  2. 2 Posted by kenrick on Nov 29, 2012 @ 02:39 PM

    kenrick's Avatar

    Hi Marc

    Our request is going in properly since the data we are entering, like the
    first name, last name etc are all reflecting correctly in the response I
    pasted below. Unfortunately I do not have the request


  3. 3 Posted by kenrick on Nov 29, 2012 @ 02:54 PM

    kenrick's Avatar

    Hi Marc

    What I don't get is how the customer is created properly and only the
    redirect url is missing. It is really strange.



  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Marc Guyer on Nov 29, 2012 @ 06:52 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    Hi Kenrick -- It turns out that this is happening on other accounts in the production environment and we were able to log the occurrences. Yes, it is sporadic and very infrequent. We think we've solved it but we're not entirely sure because we weren't able to replicate it in development. If our suspicion is correct, a hotfix that was just released should fix it.

    In case you're curious, the theory is that it is a server time drift issue. This sort of problem occurs from time to time on distributed systems with time sensitive events. We use NTP and the clocks are very close to being in sync but they tend to be different by up to about 15 milliseconds. For example, if the clocks differ by 10 milliseconds (and if my math is correct) then the odds of this particular problem occurring was 10/1000 or 1/100 or 1%. That would explain why we are having trouble replicating it. Each PayPal simulation takes anywhere from 45-75 seconds due to the nature of PayPal. So, running 100 iterations of a simulation take more than an hour. The irony is that this issue can't even happen in our development environment because our basic dev environment is not a distributed system.

    The hotfix changes some logic that was found in the PayPal workflow that would be susceptible to the time drift issue. Please let us know if you see it again. We're still logging the error should it happen again.

  5. 5 Posted by kenrick on Nov 29, 2012 @ 06:57 PM

    kenrick's Avatar

    Wow! Thanks for the detailed explanation. Makes sense. Will keep you
    posted. We have updated our code to handle this issue for now though.

    I really appreciate your support system. And the efforts you take to
    explain stuff.

    Thanks a lot!!!


    Sent from my iPhone

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Marc Guyer on Dec 02, 2012 @ 07:15 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    This hasn't happened since the hot fix so we'll consider it solved.

  7. Marc Guyer closed this discussion on Dec 02, 2012 @ 07:15 PM.

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