Trial on Switch
If you go from one plan that has a trial period to another with a trial period, what happens? Does the customer get the new plan's trial period? Or when switching plans, is the new plan's trial period discounted, and the new billing first gets charged when the old one would have next been charged?
Basically I want to make sure I'm not setting things up in such a way that users can hop between different subscriptions and live off trial periods forever.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on 28 Jan, 2010 07:55 PM
The trial period is only honored on an initial signup. In effect, the trial days is simply added to the billing date for the first invoice. So, if the plan is monthly and trial days is 10, the first bill will be in one month plus 10 days. If the customer switches to another plan, the billing date for the first invoice remains the same. On that date, they will be billed for the second plan.
Marc Guyer closed this discussion on 18 May, 2010 01:30 PM.