Money exchange between two customers
We are working on a web platform in which people can buy services
from each other and our system gets a certain percentage of the
service price as a commission, I am wondering is it possible to use
your service for this sort of applications.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on 22 Dec, 2009 10:33 PM
The answer is a bit complicated. The short answer is no.
You might accept payment on your customers' behalf and then redistribute funds to your customers' customers. CG can help you with the first part but then you'd have to 'settle up' with your customers periodically using standard means, like writing a check. You could automate it with an ACH solution or something.
A (relatively) seamless solution might be to use either amazon FPS or paypal adaptive payments. Both services require every member of the transaction to have a proprietary account. So, if FPS, everyone has to have an amazon payments account. Then you can accept funds from one person and direct some of the funds to you and some to another recipient. This solution, of course, is annoying because every member of the transaction has to leave your application and go through another signup process.
2 Posted by salehiam on 22 Dec, 2009 10:44 PM
Hi Marc,
Thanks for your reply. Actually I thought of this strategy (we also have a monthly fee): - Plan A : Cost:$25/Setup:0
Then using the custom charge API of your service to charge one party and credit another party (both of which should have an account with Plan A).
What do you think, is this doable with your service ?
Support Staff 3 Posted by Marc Guyer on 23 Dec, 2009 04:15 PM
I see. That makes a big difference. If both customers have a paid subscription, then yes, you can do it. The credit or debit would be added to the customer's current invoice and settled on the billing date. If several credits are added and make the balance on the current invoice less than zero, the negative balance is carried over to the next billing period.
Marc Guyer closed this discussion on 18 May, 2010 01:23 PM.