One customer, many plans
When someone creates an account with my app, they create a Company (a Company can have many users, but that's irrelevant). A Company has one Credit Card. A Company has many Things. Things are what are bought. Each Thing can be on a separate plan. A Company may have Thing 1 on Plan A, Thing 2 on Plan B, etc.
Do you have any suggestions on how to handle this with CheddarGetter? It appears that a Plan is attached to a Customer. I could certainly create a separate Customer code for each Thing, but I'm trying to avoid the inconvenience to my customers of having to enter their credit card details for each Thing.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on 03 Dec, 2009 08:51 PM
This kind of functionality was on our original requirements list but got bumped.
You can update the cc information for multiple customer accounts behind the scenes. Use the last four digits of the card to determine if the card is the same for multiple customer accounts.
Marc Guyer closed this discussion on 05 Apr, 2010 08:09 PM.