Follow up questions on software

Emily Black's Avatar

Emily Black

06 Dec, 2012 02:19 PM

Good morning,

I reviewed your website and have a few follow up questions on your subscription management.

  1. Does it have the ability to account for the revenue on an accrual basis (deferred revenue)?
  2. Is there an accounts receivable ledger (to track customers who have and have not paid)?
  3. The ability to capture payments (checks and cc) in subscription software? Is this only through paypal? We use currently use for our online store, but our clients can also select the bill me option and send in a check.
  4. The ability to record customer payments (checks & CC)?
  5. Can it produce invoices?
  6. Can we deposit batches for checks & cc (show how many people subscribed and match it to the money/deposit we received)?
  7. Stop renewal invoice if client has paid early?
  8. Does it have the ability to track addresses and generate mail lists based on the issue (quarterly)?
  9. Can we export the data into an Excel format for our mail lists?
  10. Can we import existing subscription database?

We are researching several different options and would like to make a decision in a few weeks. We currently have a subscriber base of 650 for our quarterly mailed magazine. Our company would like a more efficient solution for managing our database. Currently we are managing it in excel and the database has become large enough to explore other options.

Thanks in advance for your time.



  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on 06 Dec, 2012 02:51 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    Hi Emily --

    1) Does it have the ability to account for the revenue on an accrual basis (deferred revenue)?

    CheddarGetter is not accounting software. We simply charge your customers according to your configuration.

    2) Is there an accounts receivable ledger (to track customers who have and have not paid)?

    CheddarGetter can eliminate accounts receivable. If the customer fails to pay, an automated process is begun to attempt to resolve the account. If that process fails, the account is canceled. This process is configurable and you can use our webhooks to supplement that process with your own.

    3) The ability to capture payments (checks and cc) in subscription software? Is this only through paypal? We use currently use for our online store, but our clients can also select the bill me option and send in a check.

    4) The ability to record customer payments (checks & CC)?

    We don't natively support "offline" payment methods. Many of our merchants do this part manually with help from CheddarGetter. However, we have plans to facilitate automation of this process. The first partner we'll support will be QBOE.

    5) Can it produce invoices?

    CheddarGetter produces invoice and sends email receipts via customizable templates.

    6) Can we deposit batches for checks & cc (show how many people subscribed and match it to the money/deposit we received)?

    I think you're referring to some sort of reconciliation process. CheddarGetter can help with this but traditional reconciliation is left up to accounting software.

    7) Stop renewal invoice if client has paid early?


    8) Does it have the ability to track addresses and generate mail lists based on the issue (quarterly)?

    No. CheddarGetter records billing address but not mailing address.

    9) Can we export the data into an Excel format for our mail lists?


    10) Can we import existing subscription database?


    How's TC these days? I have family there and in Bellaire. Haven't been up there for a while but I hope to soon. Ready for winter?

  2. Dean closed this discussion on 23 Jan, 2013 09:19 PM.

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