Credit Card Name
Although the API calls for first and last names for credit card information when creating/updating a subscription, they are not returned with the other CC fields when retrieving customer data. There may be times when we want to have a different account name and CC holder name, but currently we can't retrieve the CC first/last name to display.
Also, is the first/last name fields attached to the CC information used for verification in any way, or is verification only done using the billing zip?
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1 Posted by david.ells on 12 Oct, 2009 08:46 PM
Is there any reason why CG has not decided to accept CVV codes in addition to (or instead of) the billing zip for credit card verification? It's a little unfortunate to between accepting non US cards OR having credit card verification. (since billing zip, a US only feature, is the only verification mechanism available)
Support Staff 2 Posted by Marc Guyer on 12 Oct, 2009 09:06 PM
ccFirstName and ccLastName are currently only stored at the gateway. We do intend to have CG store this information for exactly the purpose you suggest. CG displays the information in the GUI now but not via the API.
Again, yes, we do intend to begin supporting CCV. For now, only billing zip is available for verification. We decided initially to not use this form of verification because the CCV values cannot be stored (and so cannot be reused). However, when using the Authorize.Net CIM, you can use it for the initial verification and benefit from that for subsequent transactions. The groundwork has been laid for supporting CCV in our error handling system. Once everything else is complete, we'll begin accepting the CCV value.
Marc Guyer closed this discussion on 12 Oct, 2009 09:06 PM.
david.ells re-opened this discussion on 23 Nov, 2009 03:16 PM
3 Posted by david.ells on 23 Nov, 2009 03:16 PM
I noticed that CG now supports CVV codes. We'd like to switch from using billing zip to CVV codes for verification, and I was curious to know what would happen to any existing customers who didn't originally provide a CVV and want to upgrade their account. Will they need to provide the CVV code on upgrade?
Support Staff 4 Posted by Marc Guyer on 23 Nov, 2009 05:37 PM
The CVV is only used for the initial card verification. If a customer already exists, the CVV is not needed again unless the customer would like to update their credit card. It sounds like a seamless change to me.
Also note the new preferences for requiring zip and/or cvv here
5 Posted by david.ells on 01 Dec, 2009 10:38 PM
We are getting 2001 "The configuration at the gateway is incompatible" errors when trying to use CVV's in our production account. Is there any recommendation on how to configure our account for CVV's (I couldn't find anything about it here ( Should we only be using some of the options under Card Code Verification (CCV) Settings? Which ones?
Support Staff 6 Posted by Marc Guyer on 02 Dec, 2009 12:05 AM
The error report here has more detail. It looks like you've got the phone number required. I don't know off the top of my head how to change that on the authnet side. Let us know if you can't find it.
7 Posted by david.ells on 02 Dec, 2009 01:12 AM
Marc, thanks a bunch for the help, as soon as I knew the underlying error I was able to go hunt down the settings I needed to change. It turns out that a number of fields within (under Account -> Settings -> Payment Form -> Form Fields) were checked under the "required" column. Unchecking those fields solved the problem. What's odd is that we never experienced that error during our initial launch (and final production testing), although those settings in surely must have been the same then.
Once what was going on was clear, it was pretty easy to fix. But it really wasn't very clear to start with. May I suggest that a) the Configuring document includes a section about those Payment Form fields (which may only recently be necessary to unset?), and that it also includes at least some word about CVV settings (although checking everything seems to work fine there) and b) documenting in a new or existing KB article about the CG error report found under Reports->errors. I know there's a link to it there in the GUI, but it's small, and under what I thought was only customer and revenue reports. It's really useful but there's no mention of it anywhere, in any discussions or articles.
Support Staff 8 Posted by Marc Guyer on 07 Dec, 2009 04:02 PM
David -- Thanks for the suggestion and the troubleshooting. I've updated the Configuring AuthorizeNet article.
Strange that you were not experiencing this issue in production testing. Were you in test mode or using a developer account at the time? Could someone else in your org have altered the settings after launch? As shown in the KB article, in our experience the default settings do not require any fields.
I've also added some info about the error report on the Error Handling article.
9 Posted by david.ells on 07 Dec, 2009 04:11 PM
Marc, thanks a bunch for following up and updating the KB articles, it adds another vote of confidence that you all are accessible and receptive.
Embarassingly, it did turn out that someone had updated those fields, trying to use our same account for a generic hosted payment form.
I'm sure future users will find the additional information about the errors report and those settings useful if they find themselves in a sudden bind. Thanks again.
Support Staff 10 Posted by Marc Guyer on 07 Dec, 2009 04:31 PM
No prob. I'm sure the extra info will be found useful.
Marc Guyer closed this discussion on 07 Dec, 2009 04:31 PM.