Setting up custom integration with final transaction page
My company is interested in using cheddargetter for our payments. We would like to know if there is a way to integrate a custom return field in the transactiona complete page which would provide customers with a serial key generated by our server. Also if multiple subscriptions are purchased a field where multiple codes could be placed.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Meghan Turner on 13 Feb, 2017 10:10 PM
Hi Evan,
Welcome to CheddarGetter! I hope you've enjoyed your experience with the platform thus far.
To answer your question, there are two ways you can integrate CheddarGetter with your application to manage the payment process: the API or hosted payment pages. Using the API allows you to integrate CheddarGetter with your own custom payment pages. Doing this will give you tons of flexibility in designing the best payment workflow for your situation and allows you to provide a seamless billing experience for you customers. You can learn more about integrating with CG via our API in our API Documentation.
If you're thinking about using CheddarGetter's hosted payment pages instead of the API, you can specify a return location in the hosted payment page set-up where you could re-direct customers to obtain their key.
Hope this helps, but let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for considering CheddarGetter!
2 Posted by Evan Clark on 13 Feb, 2017 10:12 PM
Yes that does help, we were planning on using a hosted page. Would the page be able to return the user email to our system from the api when the key is generated so it can be assigned to that specific user? Essentially, using a hosted page how would we keep a record of who just completed the payment.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Meghan Turner on 14 Feb, 2017 09:51 PM
Hi Evan,
Check out this section of our Hosted Payment Pages Knowledge Base article for some useful information. You'll probably want to use the automatic customer management process for your hosted pages. This process allows you to pass a unique customer code into CG when the customer is re-directed to your hosted page to enter their payment information. To identify the customer on your platform after the customer completes the payment form, you can have the customer returned to your platform's login page and, during login, you can make a call to Cheddar to check the customer's status to confirm that they've successfully signed-up or updated their subscription.
The entire hosted pages article is definitely worth a read if you're planning to use that feature. Happy to answer any other questions you might have.
4 Posted by Evan Clark on 14 Feb, 2017 10:00 PM
Thank you, that is exactly what we were looking for. Do you have a guide for passing the code from our side into the cheddargetter cg. Under that specific example there was no example code.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Meghan Turner on 14 Feb, 2017 10:13 PM
You can pass additional user data, including customer code, to the hosted page in the url using the parameters outlined in the article. See example 2.1.3 for more detail.
6 Posted by Evan Clark on 17 Feb, 2017 08:14 PM
Ok, finally if a user sets up more than a single subscription is it possible to pass custom field data to cheddar getter. Lets say person X buys 2 subscriptions with names venue1 and venue2, is there a field used by cheddar getter hosted page that ca accepted that information in addition to userid?
Support Staff 7 Posted by Meghan Turner on 17 Feb, 2017 10:04 PM
Hi Evan,
You can pass in the
parameter to indicate which subscription (or pricing plan, as we call it) the customer should be subscribed to. It's important to note that customers can only be subscribed to one pricing plan at a time in CG. You can create as many pricing plans as you like, so if needed, you could create pricing plans that combine the total cost of multiple features into a single rate.If you decide to use the API in the future instead of hosted pages, you could also use an advanced feature called tracked items. Each pricing plan can have multiple tracked items and tracked items can be used to charge the customers additional fees for add-ons, limit use of certain features, set-up usage based billing, and more (visit the Pricing Plan Basics Knowledge Base article to learn more). The feature is only available for API integrations.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
8 Posted by Evan Clark on 17 Feb, 2017 10:08 PM
Ok that may be an issue. We have customers who plan to have multiple subscriptions at the same time. Would it be simple enough to use the plancode parameter to send a plan that includes the price of say 5 subscriptions into one?
9 Posted by Evan Clark on 18 Feb, 2017 02:29 PM
Also, after reading some older discussions, is a unique customer record auto-generated by CG or is that something we would need to do via API?
Support Staff 10 Posted by Meghan Turner on 20 Feb, 2017 04:51 PM
Hi Evan,
Sure, as long as long as a corresponding pricing plan also exists in CheddarGetter. Each pricing plan in CG has a planCode (you can see the plan codes here and that's the code you'll want to pass in to the hosted page.
While a customer record can be created with the API, a unique customer record is also created in CG when a customer successfully signs-up via your hosted payment page.
Meghan Turner closed this discussion on 17 Mar, 2017 07:22 PM.