Account Opening
Hi Team,
I have recently opened this account and I've a few questions before I migrate my current solution. Before I ask you question/s, here is what I do:
- I'm a bookkeeper/accountant based in India and sell my services to US/Canada/Australia & New Zealand. All my payments are in US Currency.
- I, currently use paypal and most of my clients use either the credit/debit card or paypal account to pay me. I bill them on the first of the month for the previous month.
This is more often a recurring payment for the same amount.
Here are my questions where your suggestion/inputs will be most welcomed.
1. Does Cheddargetter provide solution to freelancer/companies based in India?
2. If yes, How does the subscription model work. Do we have to take client's consent once or does it send the invoice every month and wait for them to pay it.
- My current solution asks them to pay it every month and thats where it takes more time in managing cash flow.
3. How is the conversion (USD to Indian Rupee) decided. Per current solution, paypal offers much less conversion rate than a normal bank transaction.
I look forward to hear from you before I make my decision.
My current revenue is about $3000 from about 20-25 transactions. I plan to take this to $6000 in next 5-6 months.
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1 Posted by Drew Songer on 07 Mar, 2016 04:45 PM
Hi Hemant,
Below you will find answers to your questions. Let me know if anything is unclear.
You can continue to use PayPal as your billing solution in combination with CG. In the past, Ogone by Ingenico Payment Services is a merchant service provider that has been compatible with CheddarGetter and has a great presence in India. However, it has recently come to our attention that a company called EBS has entered the Indian market and is reseller of Ogone. They don't seem to have all of the functionality of the the full Ogone solution; therefore, we are unsure whether or not they are compatible with our past implementation. You may want to inquire with Ogone to determine if you can get an account with them directly.
For PayPal, we use PayPal Adaptive Payments with PreApprovals. The preapproval is just an agreement that your clients make allowing you to bill them in the future. When the preapproval expires(much like an expiring credit card), you customers will need to go through another preapproval. We have automated communication templates that can prompt this action.
If Ogone continues to be a viable solution, you collect their information once and will bill them on a recurring basis until they cancel your service. This is a oversimplified explanation of our service, but I think it gets the point across.
This is a question for the merchant service provider. The settlement currency is typically configured there. With PayPal, you will convert currency the same way that you currently do.
Let me know if you have any other questions,
Drew Songer closed this discussion on 09 Jun, 2016 04:05 PM.