Generic Signup Page/
In order for the customer to enter his CC info, will I have to use the API to send that over to you, or is there some generic webpage that I can link to for each plan that I have setup in CG?
So in other words, if I had 3 plan setup with you, I'd have 3 url in my app linking to a signup page through which they can input their CC info. Once they input it and it approves, then you'd contact me through the hook, or I can query the api.
Makes sense?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on 16 Sep, 2009 12:11 AM
You've hit on a future development project for CG. It won't be done
for some time so you'll need to send the cc data to the API.
Marcela Poffald closed this discussion on 11 Apr, 2018 06:03 PM.