Special Trial Plan

Dan Kamins's Avatar

Dan Kamins

05 Feb, 2010 10:26 PM

We have a set of ~7 plans for customers over a wide pricing range.

We intend to offer a 30 day trial. BUT we don't want them to be able to trial any of them (especially the high end plans which cost us a lot of money to provide). We have a specific trial plan that should be available for 30 days, after which they need to choose and pay for a plan. And we will be billing in advance, so after 30 days they will immediately be charged for something.

Can you explain how CG can support this, either currently or in the upcoming release?

Thank you.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on 05 Feb, 2010 10:46 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    You could have a "free" plan that constricts the functionality to something that doesn't cost you too much. Sign people of to that plan if they choose the trial. Your app would check how long they've been on the free plan, if longer than 30 days, require a signup for a free plan to continue use. This option would not require the customer's credit card for the free trial period.

    Another option would be to schedule the first bill to occur 30 days after signup. If they cancel before the 30 days are up, they don't get charged. This option would require credit card information at signup. Customers don't like that. This option requires the upcoming release.

    A third option that we will support in the near term is the same as the second option but CG would not require credit card until the bill is due. If no credit card is provided before the first bill, the account is canceled. If the account is canceled, the customer can still enter a credit card which auto-reactivates the plan. Additionally, CG would optionally communicate to the customer that the free trial is ending soon.

  2. Marc Guyer closed this discussion on 18 May, 2010 01:36 PM.

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