Error During update subscripton after cancelation

joel's Avatar


09 Sep, 2011 05:01 AM


When Subscription canceled of any users, I do not received any response in "Transaction Post Hook URL" , If User's update their subscription with same plan after cancellation. But when users update their subscription with different plan then I receive the response in Transaction Post Hook URL..

Problem is that: I couldn't get any response from Cheddargetter during update subscription with same Plan by users after cancellation. Though Users updated with same plan in cheddargetter I checked it from my site, But Chedargetter do not sent any response to the my site with same plan updation, that's why my script could not able to update users on my sites with same subscription plan though user updated in cheddargetter domain..

Rest of the things working fine.. Credit card update and so on, new subscription etc. But updation with same plan after cancellation, I do not received any response from cheddargetter..

Please help me to sort out this issue.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on 09 Sep, 2011 02:59 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    Hi Joel -- We received your post a couple of days ago. We'll need a bit more time to try to replicate the behavior you've described.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Marc Guyer on 12 Sep, 2011 04:37 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    Hi Joel -- We've confirmed that a transaction hook is sent upon reactivation. My apologies for not reviewing your question more thoroughly. As it turns out, under your configuration, a transaction hook may not be sent in your "reactivation on the same plan" scenario.

    Your plans are configured to "bill immediately for a prorated amount and start new billing period" upon change to the plan. So, there is a transaction on plan change regardless of cancelation status.

    When reactivating a subscription and not changing the plan, there is no transaction, unless the subscription has an outstanding invoice. Usually a canceled subscription has an outstanding invoice since most cancelations occur for failure to pay an invoice. During the reactivation process, the outstanding invoice is transacted. It is possible, however, to have a canceled subscription without an outstanding invoice - usually a manual cancelation. A canceled subscription without an outstanding invoice will not transact upon reactivation.

  3. 3 Posted by joel on 13 Sep, 2011 04:51 PM

    joel's Avatar

    Hello Mark,

               About your comment "under your configuration, a transaction hook may not be sent in your reactivation on the same plan' scenario".

    How could I manage it to my site. As Users want to activate their subscription with same plan, How could I make activate to my site as there no any transaction response from Cheddargetter.

    Please suggest me what should we have to do.Why I could not get response during activation of same plan


  4. 4 Posted by Joel on 15 Sep, 2011 10:29 AM

    Joel's Avatar

    Hi Mark,

    What can you say about my message above?

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Marc Guyer on 15 Sep, 2011 09:36 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    Hi Joel -- Are you using the hosted pages to reactivate the subscription or the API? If API, then you don't need a callback since you receive the response from the API in real time. At that point, you can do whatever it is you need to do to reactivate the customer on your side.

    If hosted pages, the standard workflow is to ask CG if the customer is "authorized". I'm assuming you're doing this already as part of the your app's authentication routine. Using this method, no callbacks are required at all. Once the customer reactivates, when they get back to your app and authenticate (or if they're already authenticated), their authorization is checked against CG.

  6. 6 Posted by joel on 16 Sep, 2011 08:30 AM

    joel's Avatar

    Hello Mark,
    Following procedure I have been followed for Activation Subscription

    1. I've on pricing plan invoice #1136

    2. I make my plan cancelled, My plan cancelled from cheddargetter and also in my site according to cancel transaction callback response from Cheddargetter
      i.e Canceled on : Friday, September 16, 2011 Invoice number remain the same: Invoice #1136

    3.Now , I going to activate my Subscription, for that I have to update payment information to activate.
    I filled it and then Click on update from my site I go to thanks page with message "Your transaction has been completed successfully. "

    But in as I am not getting any response about trasnaction succesfully though user activated in Cheddargetter Invoice Remain the Same #1136 , I put the activatation code manually :

                $code = $user_randome_code;
            $planCode = $chdgrpricingpl_planCode;
            $ccNumber = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccNumber'];
            $ccExpiration = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccExpMonth'].'/'.$_REQUEST['subscription']['ccExpYear'];
            $ccCardCode = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccCardCode'];
            $ccFirstName = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccFirstName'];
            $ccLastName = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccLastName'];
            $ccCompany = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccCompany'];
            $ccCountry = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccCountry'];
            $ccAddress = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccAddress'];
            $ccCity = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccCity'];
            $ccState = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccState'];
            $ccZip = $_REQUEST['subscription']['ccZip'];
            $data = array(
                    'planCode' => "$planCode",
                    'ccNumber' => "$ccNumber" ,
                    'ccExpiration' => "$ccExpiration" ,
                    'ccCardCode' => "$ccCardCode" ,
                    'ccFirstName' => "$ccFirstName" ,
                    'ccLastName' => "$ccLastName",
                    'ccCompany' => "$ccCompany",
                    'ccCountry' => "$ccCountry" ,
                    'ccAddress' => "$ccAddress",
                    'ccCity' => "$ccCity",
                    'ccState' => "$ccState",
                    'ccZip' => "$ccZip"
            try { 
                          //EDIT CUSTOMER THROUGH API                     
             $customers = $client->editSubscription($code, $id, $data);
                    **  Query for update user manually from database **
                    } catch (CheddarGetter_Response_Exception $re) {
                if ($re->getCode() == 412) { // missing fields or field format errors
                    $display_error = "\n\tERROR - MISSING OR INVALID FIELDS:\n";
                    $display_error = $display_error . "\n\t(". $re->getAuxCode() . ') ' . $re->getMessage() . "\n";
                } else if ($re->getCode() == 422) { // payment processing errors
                    $display_error = "\n\tAN ERROR OCCURED DURING PAYMENT PROCESSING:\n";
                    $display_error = $display_error . "\n\t(" . $re->getCode() . ':' .                                       $re->getAuxCode() . ') ' . $re->getMessage() . "\n";
                } else {
                    $display_error = "\n\t" . 'ERROR: ('. $re->getAuxCode() . ') ' .                                       $re->getMessage() . "\n";
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $display_error = "\n\t" . 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; 

    Please let me know this manually activation work fine. And also in future there will be no any issue arises. As I am not activation it from Transaction URL due to no callback response from Cheddargetter during activation , ( maybe It is due to same invoice number ) Invoice Remain the same of all the above process #1136

    Thank you,

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Marc Guyer on 18 Sep, 2011 09:29 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    This invoice is the same because the cancelation and reactivation occurred within the same billing period.

    Here's some detail on reactivations:

    Again, since there is no payment upon reactivation in this case, there is no transaction, hence no callback.

  8. Dean closed this discussion on 16 Jan, 2013 09:42 PM.

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