Cange canceled users to free plan without credit card info

Ben Serrette's Avatar

Ben Serrette

Mar 02, 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Here's a use case to describe my problem:

Customer A is on a plan with a free trial, so he doesn't need to enter any billing information.
His free trial expires and his subscription is canceled.
Turns out that this customer is a big important person who is the decision maker for a large organization looking to buy our product. He signed up for the trial, but since his mother went into the hospital, his trial account expired before he could evaluate the product.
Since we really want his organization as a client, we want to extend his trial by switching him from the "10 day trial" plan to the "Super extended trial" free plan.

When we go to switch the plan for this customer, CG won't let us switch the plan. it says we need to reactivate the customer before we can switch the plan, but we need to update the billing information before we can re-activate. Since the customer didn't provide cc information when signing up for the initial free trial, we have no billing information to update.

So, bottom line: how can we switch the plan for a canceled customer that has no credit card information? If this functionality isn't built into CG at all, could you offer any suggestions for work arounds?


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Marc Guyer on Mar 05, 2012 @ 07:02 PM

    Marc Guyer's Avatar

    Hi Ben -- This is a known limitation. It's difficult to solve because CG insists the customer owes you for that invoice. In other words, that invoice is "due", and it's impossible for CG to determine that you actually don't want that to be the case. We're evaluating options for handling this and we'd be happy to hear any suggestions you might have.

    In the meantime, is there a specific account you need to extend? If so, I can take care of that for you. Just give me the details. FYI, we don't need to switch plans, but rather can extend the trial for any length of time you want.

  2. 2 Posted by Ben Serrette on Mar 05, 2012 @ 07:25 PM

    Ben Serrette's Avatar


    No specific accounts at this time, but it's an issue that we've had several times.

    I managed to get around it by creating a new customer and copying all the customer information to the new customer. I don't delete the old customer, but just change the customer code... just in case we need that old data later.

    Obviously, this is not ideal because it will start all the logs, etc from scratch which would cause issues with reporting. I figure for the very limited number of cases, though, it wouldn't cause TOO much of a problem.

  3. Marc Guyer closed this discussion on Sep 14, 2016 @ 01:23 PM.

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